Monday, April 18, 2011

Discover Nursing.

When I think of Johnson & Johnson, the first thing that comes to mind is baby soap; the kind that doesn't make babies tear up. But while watching my usual television programming the other night, gotta catch up on my Glee!, I saw a commercial for Johnson and Johnson's new campaign, entitled The Campaign for Nursing's Future. The website,, is broken down into four separate categories, a Who, What, Why and How. The Who section, which contains stories from varieties of different nurses, from nursing students, nurses with disabilities, minorities in nursing, and men in nursing. The What section has any and all information you might need to know about nurses and nursing in general. The Why section says "Interested in becoming a nurse, but not sure what to expect? Here are some commonly held beliefs about the nursing profession, along with the real story." And the How section has any further information on the nursing if you want to begin a career in this profession.

While I applaud Johnson & Johnson for taking on a cause that many in the nursing profession have been fighting for years for, I  must say I'm a little confused what they are actually supporting. The website is very informative, and helpful, but I'm confused about Johnson & Johnson's role in this campaign. Maybe they can get together with other companies to promote nursing. If there are buildings in St. Louis or Nashville for Johnson & Johnson, maybe they could partner with Nurses for Newborns Foundation, providing more nurses to help out more families? Opportunity knocks!

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