Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dove Movement for Self Esteem

As girl growing up in the United States, a constant thought was wishing I looked like the girls in the magazine. Like every young girl, self esteem issues run high and confidence is at an all time low. It's maturity and time that teach us that it's about what's inside that counts, and that you should love your body for what it is. You should love yourself for who you are.

The website for the campaign is broken into four parts, The Story, how you can 'Join the Movement,' 'View the Self Esteem Tool Kit', and an advice-like section where other women share their stories from when they were 13.
The homepage says "On October 22-24, thousands of women across North America created 696 self-esteem building events. These events inspired more than 12,000 girls to reach their full potential with activities like the Boost Book and Real Beauty Day Spa. The movement is connecting to the audience with social media outlets like a blog, website and Twitter page. The website also gives information on their partnerships, like the Girl Scouts, whom they've been partnered with since 2002, as well as Boys and Girls Clubs of America (in 2008) and girls, inc.

Check out more information here :

1 comment:

  1. Check out Self Esteem for Teens or “Empowered Teens and Parents”, my organization for teenagers and the parents who want to support their teen through these difficult times like Self Esteem for Teens. Its mission is to produce Self Esteem for Teens, by helping Self Esteem for Teens have a better sense of who Self Esteem for Teens are and make better decisions in all areas of life by learning how to love themselves and becoming empowered with Self Esteem for Teens.
